We believe that all true and transforming ministry happens as God reveals Himself from person to person. We have four types of life groups. 

  1. E-Groups: New to Bethel? Connect with others on a personal level

  2. G-Groups: Grow into the Christlife

  3. S-Groups: Study groups (topic-specific)

  4. T-Groups: Groups that perform a task together 

    For more information, click below.

Ignite Classes

People are God’s agenda. Learn to leverage all your relationships for God’s glory. Three two-hour classes will equip you to mentor those around you. How to identify, pray, and reach your circle of influence. These classes are done around three meals.
For more information, click below.
Who wants to stay stuck in their comfort zone? Start igniting change!! The best way to ignite change is by being equipped and empowered. Sometimes, we need help learning how, but that’s where Bethel’s ignite classes come in! You will leave enabled to ignite change through the power of the Holy Spirit. 
For more information, click below.